Seal of Civic Readiness Handbook

This page provides access to the New York City Department of Education Seal of Civic Readiness Handbook for the 2024-2025 school year.

The New York State Seal of Civic Readiness (NYSSCR) is a formal recognition that a student has demonstrated the civic knowledge, skills, mindsets, and experiences necessary to become an actively engaged member of their community.  In New York City, the New York State Seal of Civic Readiness is managed by Civics for All across all New York City Public Schools. The guidance in this handbook was developed using specifications from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and relevant New York City Department of Education offices to meet the specific needs and processes of our schools and district.

The information in this handbook will be updated yearly to reflect the most up-to-date NYSED guidance, New York City Department of Education protocols, and best practices in social studies and civics education.

New York City Department of Education Public Schools that wish to offer the Seal of Civic Readiness should reach out to Civics for All (

There is a New York City Department of Education-specific application process that ends each August that is separate from the application process for public schools elsewhere in New York State. In year one, Seal of Civic Readiness schools are required to attend a professional learning series on the NYSSCR.

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