Democracy Needs You! Posters

This collection of posters designed by artists for the Civics for All Comics Group highlight the 2024 theme of Civics Week, "Democracy Needs You!" The posters feature various characters from the Civics for All Comics Group universe. 

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This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group and was illustrated by Ryan Dunlavey. Front and center is Squirrel S. Squirrel, one of the protagonists from the Action Activists series.

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group. The subject of the poster is a young John Lewis, as illustrated by Nate Powell, the artist who drew all of the art for the March trilogy.

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group. The subject of the poster is an older John Lewis, as illustrated by Nate Powell, the artist who drew all of the art for the March trilogy.

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group and was illustrated by June Kim. It features Zuri, the protagonist from Barrier Breaker #1, and Jackie Robinson against a light blue textured background.

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group and was illustrated by Valentine De Landro. Sheri, the young Black woman who is the main character from Registered #1, appears sitting in the center of the poster and holding her acoustic guitar on her lap with her right hand.

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group and was created by Chicano artist J. Gonzo. The poster depicts a close up portrait of Dolores Huerta, one of the most influential labor activists of the twentieth century, and the protaganist in Historias de Resistencia #1. 

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group and was created by Emma Vieceli.

This poster was developed for Civics Week 2024 by the Civics for All Comics Group. The poster depicts Dwayne, the protagonist from Recognized #1.