Barrier Breaker #1
The NYCDOE Civics for All and Social Studies teams collaborated with Good Trouble Comics to create Barrier Breaker #1, a story of Jackie Robinson intended for middle and high school students.
Jackie Robinson was a man who faced racism and hate—a man who stood in a long line of upstanders in American history—a man who began a transformation of the game of baseball and America.
The comic that follows includes fictional characters, and semifictional settings, along with a great deal of historical facts and details about one of the most significant figures from our past.
Good Trouble Comics is a creative nonfiction team led by Andrew Aydin (co-author of the March trilogy), Kelly Sue DeConnick (Wonder Woman), Matt Fraction (Hawkeye), Val De Landro (Marvel Knights and X-Factor).
The Civics for All Comics Group develops social studies and civics comics as companions to several of our resources. Barrier Breaker #1 was written by Yohuru Williams and Michael G. Long, the art and cover is by June Kim, the color is by Marissa Louise, and the lettering was done by Joshua Reed.