
Planning for a WeTeachNYC Community

Before jumping into the technical training for a WeTeachNYC Community, take a little time to think about the professional learning experience you want to support, including the audience, number of in-person sessions and learning goals.

Use this document to outline your thoughts.

The sections below provide more information about each part of the planning process.

Learning Objectives

Determining the learning objectives for each session can help you think through the potential online activities that will further participant learning in the online space.

Facilitator Tip: When defining the goals keep the following S.M.A.R.T. attributes:

  • Specific – Concise, well-defined statements of what students will be able to do.
  • Measurable – The goals suggest how students will be assessed. Start with action verbs that can be observed through a test, homework, or project (e.g., define, apply, propose).
  • Attainable – Students have the pre-requisite knowledge and skills and the course is long enough that students can achieve the objectives.
  • Relevant – The skills or knowledge described are appropriate for the course or the program in which the course is embedded.
  • Time-bound – State when students should be able to demonstrate the skill (end of the course, end of semester, etc.).

Community Activities

At the core of WeTeachNYC Communities is the ability for community members to extend learning beyond the walls of the in-person professional development. Community activities can allow all participants to have a voice and share their thoughts. The online space allows communities to be creative in the types of ideas that can be shared and the way those ideas are shared. 

Facilitator Tip: There are a host of different learning activities that you can do online to help extend the learning between in-person sessions. To highlight a few, community members can:

Discussion Prompts

Creating a meaningful and engaging discussion prompt can often be a challenge when working in the online space. Community members can exhaust a prompt quickly or sometime go off on tangents. The online space allows a space for everyone to discuss and share resources.

Facilitator Tip: When creating a discussion think about these ten practices:

  1. Convey Clear Expectations
  2. Adjust to the Discussion Board
  3. Clarify Your Role
  4. Provide Feedback
  5. Track Participation
  6. Offer Groups and Discussion Board Alternatives
  7. Create Questions You Care About
  8. Select Discussion Leaders
  9. Encourage Note-Taking
  10. Know When It's Time to Stop Posting

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Technical Training