Yes! But How? Professional Learning Plan

The Yes! But How? Professional Learning Plan provides two days of professional learning for educators and other school staff on the Yes! But How? LGBTQ+ Inclusion for Educators, which is a collaborative project between the NYCDOE Office of Safety & Youth Development and the Office of Curriculum, Instruction, & Professional Learning written by LGBTQ+ author and curator Hugh Ryan and illustrated by artist Cristy Road. Yes! But How? is written for K–12 teachers and administrators to help support the development of LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming school environments. This professional learning plan provides links to all relevant materials and resources as well as detailed instructions for facilitators. 

Quality Review Indicators 1.1 CurriculumQuality Review Indicators 1.2 PedagogyDanielson Framework for Teaching 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and PedagogyDanielson Framework for Teaching 1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of StudentsDanielson Framework for Teaching 1c: Setting Instructional OutcomesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of ResourcesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1e: Designing Coherent InstructionDanielson Framework for Teaching 1f: Designing Student AssessmentsDanielson Framework for Teaching 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and RapportDanielson Framework for Teaching 2b: Establishing a Culture for LearningDanielson Framework for Teaching 2c: Managing Classroom ProceduresDanielson Framework for Teaching 2d: Managing Student BehaviorDanielson Framework for Teaching 2e: Organizing Physical Space
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