Specific considerations for teachers of physical education
Danielson’s 2013 Framework for Teaching (FfT) was created as an overarching framework that describes the commonalities in every classroom—those aspects of teaching that are common across grades, disciplines, and students’ backgrounds. Thus, the FfT is appropriate for use with and by teachers of physical education. Many school leaders and teachers have requested additional support in using the FfT in classrooms in which student characteristics, subject content, or program models may differ significantly from other courses or subjects. In response, this document offers specific considerations for school leaders and teachers of physical education through component-aligned questions. These questions may be discussed when providing feedback, engaging in pre- and post-observations, and planning next steps; they are not to be used for evaluating teacher practice. In addition, these questions can be used by teachers voluntarily as a resource to guide their thinking as they plan and reflect on their instructional practice in how they are meeting the needs of their students.
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