New York City K-5 health education scope and sequence

This curricular planning resource provides a practical framework for implementing comprehensive, skills-based Health Education instruction. Developed by DOE instructional leaders and teachers and aligned to State and national standards, the Scope and Sequence is organized around six topics that address the priority youth health-risk behaviors as identified by the CDC, State requirements, and New York City Chancellor’s Regulations. The Scope and Sequence guides educators in using a skills-based pedagogy in which students learn, practice, and demonstrate the skills that lead to healthy behaviors. Key components include:

  • Concepts and Skills overview grid provides at-a-glance summary of the curriculum
  • Grade-Level Unit Summaries provide an overview of the health concepts and skills, essential questions, behavioral outcomes, and standards alignment for each unit
  • Implementation guides for each unit support teachers in engaging diverse learners

As part of the DOE's commitment to equity and inclusion, this version is digitally accessible and is appropriate for use with a screen reader. 

Please Note: The grade level topic recommendations included in this K-5 Health Education Scope and Sequence have not yet been updated to align with the Pacing Guide for Elementary School Health Education released in 2023. Until it is updated, the current edition can be used as a reference for essential health concepts and skills related to each grade level. 

Danielson Framework for Teaching 1c: Setting Instructional OutcomesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
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