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Summer school regents tool

The Summer School Regents Tool (linked below) allows teachers and administrators to easily find instructional focal points for Regents exam preparation in anticipation of the August Regents. You and your summer school staff can view students’ performance on the June 2016 Regents in the following formats: Performance Summary: provides a summary of overall performance of students on an exam.; Performance by Standard: view performance by unit/standard.; Performance by Item: view performance by item and answer choice.; Differentiation Tool: view performance of groups of students by unit/standard, exam section or item type.; Individual Student Report: view performance for each student by exam section and item type/standard.; Sorter View: spreadsheet style view of all students and points earned on each section.

Please note that not all of the files in this collection can be downloaded from WeTeachNYC because they link out to an external site.

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