Digital Literacy

Digital literacy means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices.

This collection with resources to foster digital literacy includes lessons on identifying misinformation, fact checking,  confirmation bias and vetting a primary source.

Included Resources

Part of digital literacy is the ability to recognize misinformation. Misinformation also thrives on social media where anyone can share almost anything they choose, and attention spans are short. Here is a quick guide to help you understand what misinformation is and how to recognize it.

Fact Checking is an essential part of digital literacy. Here is a lesson for Grades 9-12 on Fact Checking. Exerpt from Civics for All, Digital Citizenship and Fact Checking.

Confirmation bias occurs when we notice and accept information that agrees with or reinforces our existing beliefs, and overlook or question information that complicates or conflicts with those beliefs. Here are a few tips to check for confirmation bias.

How do you know that the source you have used to gather your information is valid and reliable? Can you trust that source for correct information? Part of the skill of digital literacy is being able to vett the source from which you gather your information. Here are five quick tips on how to fact check.

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