Culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies
This collection contains resources that support educators in developing project-based learning experiences and supporting students transition from being dependent learners to independent thinkers. Additionally, the CRS Pedagogies collection provides reflection questions for educators to use to help them enact a critical lens while choosing from the multitude of remote learning resources available. The group’s north star is transforming the status quo of teaching to be more aligned to and centering the experiences of BISOC while creating an experience (through resources) that allow for students to demonstrate their learnings through multiple intelligences.
Consider this resource to support professional learning on racism and civic education.
Included Resources
In this collection of resources, teachers and other educators will learn about four core principles for reviewing the wealth of free online materials available for use during distance learning. The Office of Teacher Development recognizes NYCDOE teachers are receiving an overabundance of online/distance learning resources right now and this collect...
This is a K-12 resource for educators looking to use Project Based Learning (PBL) in the Blended Learning Environment. This resource includes the key facets of Culturally Responsive and Sustaining PBL, steps on how to approach PBL, and teacher reflection questions that focus on co-creation with students as well as centering their interests and identities.
Click here for an accessible version of this resource.
This reflection guide, which can be used for individual and collective reflection, provides questions and ideas for action areas for teacher to take when incorporating passions during remote learning. Teaching from your passions is always a critical part of practice. Passions give our lives meaning and purpose and can heavily influence our professional practice, daily interactions, and perceptions. Culturally responsive teachers turn students’ personal interests and strengths into opportunities for success. During remote learning, it is even more important to incorporate both teacher and student passions into teaching and learning.
This reflection guide provides reflection questions and ideas for action areas for teachers to take when engaging students in learning in a remote instruction context. This guide can be used both for individual reflection, as well as a jumping off point for group reflection and sharing of promising practices among a group of educators.
This reflection tool contains reflection questions and considerations for critically reflecting on materials for learning. Research shows that culturally relevant and intellectually rich materials and resources have the potential to improve student learning. Culturally responsive and sustaining educators know that the materials and resources with which young people engage in school also have a profound impact on how they understand themselves and the world. Thus, educators who seek to be culturally responsive and sustaining critically reflect to ensure that the materials and resources they use with students are reflective and affirming of those students’ realities and experiences, support students in understanding different realities and experiences, and do not unintentionally send harmful messages about historically marginalized populations.
This reflection guide provides reflection questions for mentor teachers and cooperating teachers who are supporting the pedagogical development of early career teachers during remote learning. These reflection questions help mentor teachers support the development of a culturally responsive pedagogy and support mentees in deepening relationships with students and families in order to best serve NYC DOE students.
This collection is also included in these collections: