Move-to-Improve video collection

This collection of videos is a visual tour of the DOE's Office of School Wellness Programs elementary classroom-based physical activity program, Move-to-Improve. View promotional videos designed to provide the school community with an overview of the program and the Train-the-Trainer workshop for PE teachers. There are also instructional tutorials that demonstrate quality program implementation.

Please note the videos in this collection cannot be downloaded.  Access each video by clicking the title below. 

Included Resources

This collection has additional Move-to-Improve videos to complement the Move-to-Improve video collection. These videos are a visual tour of the DOE's Office of School Wellness Programs elementary classroom-based physical activity program, Move-to-Improve. Continue to use both collections to provide your school community with instructional tutorials...

Watch what principals, teachers, and students have to say about the benefits of using Move-to-Improve in their schools. 

Students reinforce academic content working in large groups while using aerobic exercises as well as yoga poses. 

A class uses Move-to-Improve physical activities to respond to true or false statements. Lead this easily modified activity so students can demonstrate aerobic fitness and muscular fitness concepts to respond to content-specific true or false statements.

Students in a third grade Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) class partner up and use scarves to review math and English Language Arts (ELA) concepts.  

Guided by visual aid cards, this fifth grade class uses yoga poses to review multiplication facts while improving their flexibility and balance.

Use this activity as an engaging test practice by using various physical and aerobic activities.

A bilingual kindergarten class practices counting in Spanish and English. The class also goes through a cool-down technique using manipulatives.

Students pace themselves through aerobic movements while reinforcing academic concepts in this Move-to-Improve partner-style activity.

A third grade Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classroom uses directionality and reinforces proper posture while responding to various academic questions.

A second grade class uses physical activity to discuss and review characters in a story with this partner-style activity.