Suggested pacing guide for high school comprehensive health education

A teaching tool to ensure students in grades 9-12 achieve NYS standards in Health Education. This pacing guide provides the suggested order of foundation units and lessons from recommended curricula:

  • HealthSmart High School 3rd Edition
  • Reducing the Risk 5th Edition
  • Understanding Self-Identity: Building a Supportive Environment for LGBT Students—Revised Edition
  • Growing up and Staying Safe: New York City K-12 HIV Education Curriculum (2023) 
Quality Review Indicators 1.1 CurriculumQuality Review Indicators 1.2 PedagogyQuality Review Indicators 1.3 Leveraging ResourcesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and PedagogyDanielson Framework for Teaching 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of ResourcesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
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