STEM Handbook (public-facing) version

The STEM Handbook’s content is directly aligned to each of the four domains in the STEM Framework. The intended audience for this book is a school’s STEM team which can be comprised of administrators, teachers, and other school community members who would like to build a STEM education program or enhance or change a program that is already in place. 

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Quality Review Indicators 1.1 CurriculumQuality Review Indicators 1.2 PedagogyQuality Review Indicators 1.3 Leveraging ResourcesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and PedagogyDanielson Framework for Teaching 1e: Designing Coherent InstructionDanielson Framework for Teaching 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and RapportQuality Review Indicators 3.1 Goals and Action PlansDanielson Framework for Teaching 3d: Using Assessment in InstructionQuality Review Indicators 4.2 Teacher Teams and Leadership DevelopmentDanielson Framework for Teaching 4a: Reflecting on Teaching