STEM Handbook (public-facing) version - ADA version

This is the WCAG 2.0 accessible version. The STEM Handbook’s content is directly aligned to each of the four domains in the STEM Framework. The intended audience for this book is a school’s STEM team which can be comprised of administrators, teachers, and other school community members who would like to build a STEM education program or enhance or change a program that is already in place. 

Quality Review Indicators 1.1 CurriculumQuality Review Indicators 1.2 PedagogyQuality Review Indicators 1.3 Leveraging ResourcesDanielson Framework for Teaching 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and PedagogyDanielson Framework for Teaching 1e: Designing Coherent InstructionDanielson Framework for Teaching 2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and RapportQuality Review Indicators 3.1 Goals and Action PlansDanielson Framework for Teaching 3d: Using Assessment in InstructionQuality Review Indicators 4.2 Teacher Teams and Leadership DevelopmentDanielson Framework for Teaching 4a: Reflecting on Teaching