Career planning activities tailored to student interests

This collection, developed by City-As-School High School, presents a series of career exploration and planning activities that center on an interactive activity, "Name That $alary." Because the activity is tailored to students' real interests, it serves as a "hook" to pique interest and draw students into further career planning. The sequence culminates with students writing a career plan/personal essay. 

Included Resources

This resource should be reviewed first, as the document contains an overview of the entire practice, helpful resources/samples others can use or adapt, a “How To” guide with tips for implementation, standards covered, and background information on the City-As-School High School and the educators who helped to develop this practice.

Editable worksheet for students to use during the "Name That $alary" activity, a "hook" to pique interest and draw students into further career planning.

Editable template of an exit ticket that can be used to gather student feedback about the Name That $alary career planning sequence.