Career day with skills workshops

This resource presents South Brooklyn Community High School's Career Day, which includes skills workshops and a social capital networking activity along with speakers and presenters.

Included Resources

Editable agenda for full-day devoted to learning about a variety of careers and career-related skills from outside panelists and presenters.

Editable list of questions for panelists that can be used to help prepare both panelists and students.

A compilation of sample Career Day presenter bios that students use to make informed choices about which workshops to sign up for. Use in conjunction with the Student Choice Form that also is included in this collection.

Editable form that can be used in advance with students to select first and second choices for the Career Day workshops. Use in conjunction with the Sample Panelist Bios that also are included in this collection.

A scenario-based activity that involves students having conversations with Career Day presenters. 

Sample Bulletin Board used to promote upcoming Career Day events. Use in conjunction with the other Career Day resources that also are included in this collection.